The diplomatic corps visited AIR Bozhentsi on the 24th of June.

Embassadors from 23 countries were greeted by the director of the museum. The diplomats, together with the mayor of Gabrovo-Tanya Hristova and the governor Nikolay Sirakov delved deep into the unique atmosphere of the renessanse houses. They walked on the cobble stone roads, took a view of the etnographic exponents and visited the only preserved working workshop called ”Mengema”. On their way back they were sent of by the children’s folk group ”Gabrovche”.
The diplomat’s tour began on the 24th of June with Gabrovo, visiting the house of humor and satire, the interractive museum of industry and the Dechkova house. On saturday they visited EMO Etar. The event was patroned by the minister of foreign affairs Daniel Mitov and the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova.

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